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Self-IMPROVment is an innovative workshop that blends improv and personal development. 


Through a combination of gamified learning, real-time application of skills, and live coaching, Self-IMPROVment uses improv as a vehicle to teach skills for personal and professional development.

Who Self-IMPROVment Is For




Looking to increase revenue and engagement by:


  • Increasing performance and reducing burnout

  • Developing better conflict resolution 

  • Creating a strong company culture


Recovery Centers


Wanting to help clients maintain their sobriety by:


  • Better dealing with emotional triggers

  • Living a conscious, values based life 

  • Adapting to and navigating uncertainty


Colleges and Universities


Seeking to support students by teaching skills for:


  • Emotional regulation for stress and anxiety

  • Healthier interpersonal communication    

  • Increasing confidence and satisfaction with life

Empty Stage

The Format Is The Focus

Unlike traditional classroom training, our research-backed experiential workshop is built on three pillars that create a container for deep, long-lasting learning.

The Three Parts of Self-IMPROVment

Each section of Self-IMPROVment uses a staple of improv comedy to teach a cognitive strategy. Through a variation of partner exercises, group discussion, and individual coaching, participants are shown how to integrate this strategy into their every day lives in real time.

Finding Flow

When reality deviates from our plan or expectations, our typical reactions drain our cognitive resource. This burden on our cognitive load increases stress responses and reduces our social and cognitive effectiveness.


In this section, we help participants better cope with uncertainty and teach them how to flow through moments where things go "wrong" rather than fighting them in order to bypass the draining and unpleasant burden on our cognitive load and experience.  

Make A Choice

In a world with seemingly limited options, we agonize over finding the "perfect" one. This pattern freezes us, greatly increasing the time it takes to make a decision and reducing our satisfaction with the choice we make. 


This section helps participants avoid indecision by focusing on choices that are effective rather than those that are seemingly perfect. Once freed from the binary of perfection or disaster, they learn how to make choices that move them forward in a satisfactory way.

Point of View

Whether it is in your personal life or a business trying to build a brand, being authentic isn't easy if you haven't identified your POV. This inconsistency leads to dissatisfaction in both how you see yourself and how others see you.


The last section helps participants identify character traits that truly matter to them, that way they feel like they have access to their best selves every day. For businesses, this helps them create the consistent branding and marketing needed to develop trust and gain sales.

What Our Participants Say

I feel like I have the tools to better navigate uncertainty, manage my stress, and not feel so burnt out all the time.

Get in Touch

If you are interested in learning how Self-IMPROVment can transform your organization and the people within it, send us an email and we will be in touch to set up a time to speak in detail.

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